Maggie Rodriguez spoke to Hannah Krieger and her mother Susan about the Facebook group promoting “kick a ginger day” and being targeted for the color of her hair.

Uniting redheads since 2010
Maggie Rodriguez spoke to Hannah Krieger and her mother Susan about the Facebook group promoting “kick a ginger day” and being targeted for the color of her hair.
Dia de amar seu cabelo ruivo!! Para comemorar nossas características peculiares e aprendermos a amá-las cada dia mais! #loveyourredhairday...
#kpjebinjoe Redhead Day Festival In The Netherlands | Tamil Facts | Minutes Mystery | K.P. Jebin Joe | #shorts...
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🎶 Bad Hair Day (Sped Up / TikTok Remix) Lyrics “mousse ain’t sticking water ain’t slicking” 🔥 Help us...
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