Looking for gift ideas for the redhead in your life? Look no further!! Here are my ginger-approved 11 redhead-inspired gifts, for any gift-giving occasion (Christmas, anniversary, birthday, National Redhead Day, etc). If you have a special someone with red hair, these are some super safe gift options that are not only fun, but also shows just how much YOU appreciate them (and of course how wonderful you think their ginger hair is LOL!). No more wondering what to buy for a redhead. As a redhead gal, I would be beyond grateful to receive any of these gifts/presents, but of course–it’s the thought that matters!

From redhead makeup products to books for redheads, to even a redhead magazine subscription….hopefully at least ONE of these ideas will work for you 🙂

I hope that this video is helpful for anyone needing insight into the world of redheads. And of course, if you are a redhead, please COMMENT BELOW any other redhead-inspired gifts that you either have received or would love to receive 🙂

THUMBS UP for more redhead videos!! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for future ginger/carrot top content!

REDHEAD VLOGS FOUND HERE – https://www.youtube.com/c/magdalensnow/videos


1) Redhead Revolution Makeup – https://redheadrevolution.us
2) Gingerful Hair Products – https://www.gingerfulhair.com
3) Don’t Make This Ginger Snap T-Shirt – https://www.amazon.com/Ginger-T-Shirt-Funny-Redhead-Shirt/dp/B077Q8WX6P?customId=B07537WTS5&th=1
4) Green/Purple Earrings – https://www.overstock.com/Jewelry-Watches/Handmade-Jewelry-by-Dawn-Triple-Bead-and-Crystal-Purple-Dangle-Earrings-USA/10035206/product.html
5) Red: A History of the Redhead Book – https://www.amazon.com/Red-History-Jacky-Colliss-Harvey/dp/157912996X
6) The Big Redhead Book: Inside the Secret Society of Red Hair – https://www.amazon.com/Big-Redhead-Book-Inside-Society/dp/1250110521/ref=pd_lpo_14_t_0/145-9623375-6478418?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=1250110521&pd_rd_r=374716af-b668-48d7-a430-bb20105a7f53&pd_rd_w=xnR5a&pd_rd_wg=symoU&pf_rd_p=7b36d496-f366-4631-94d3-61b87b52511b&pf_rd_r=A6PF314XA3T5P3SJ7A79&psc=1&refRID=A6PF314XA3T5P3SJ7A79
7) A Field Guide to Redheads: An Illustrated Celebration – https://www.amazon.com/Field-Guide-Redheads-Illustrated-Celebration/dp/0761185739/ref=pd_bxgy_img_3/145-9623375-6478418?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0761185739&pd_rd_r=b019642c-6ad0-4ab8-a996-c97ac2d9c877&pd_rd_w=GpJ1r&pd_rd_wg=nL4MA&pf_rd_p=f325d01c-4658-4593-be83-3e12ca663f0e&pf_rd_r=D4C15XEM5ZT220QJWSR0&psc=1&refRID=D4C15XEM5ZT220QJWSR0
8) I Can’t Keep Calm I’m a Redhead Mug – https://www.walmart.com/ip/3dRose-I-Cant-Keep-Calm-Im-A-Red-Head-Red-Ceramic-Mug-11-ounce/213232403?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=2683&&adid=22222222227285993480&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=344648539123&wl4=aud-430887228898:pla-704881444475&wl5=1018420&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=113719917&wl11=online&wl12=213232403&veh=sem&gclid=CjwKCAiAz4b_BRBbEiwA5XlVVuvyF_a6-vMhStj2i8rhdWdUmI0fxFZpPfqYoIuDkijP61A1uKjYKRoCvhsQAvD_BwE
9) MC1R Magazine Subscription – https://mc1r-magazine.com
10) Redhead Candle – https://boysmells.com/products/redhead?variant=16680216657987&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAiAz4b_BRBbEiwA5XlVVg1QxpwNardgoD7AntzrsIdzLL9NcdnrALoBsPYpzwxXzHZ436kQsRoCsHEQAvD_BwE
11) Redhead & Friend Illustration – https://www.roxysillustrations.com/shop-all/redhead-and-blonde-friends



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