REDHEAD FESTIVAL: Hundreds of people attended a festival in the Netherlands to celebrate a special shared trait.
Redhead festival in the Netherlands
Uniting redheads since 2010
Redhead Festival, Corsshaven, Co. Cork
Stefaan, , Media, celebration, convention, cork, Crosshaven, darragh, examiner, festival, Irish, kane, madness, redhead, 0The Redhead Festival in Crosshaven, Co. Cork – A whacky celebration of ginger-loving madness!! 23 to 25 August 2013....
Oldtimer-Rallye in den Bergen | Euromaxx
Stefaan, , Media, autos, Deutsche Welle, DW, Lebensart, motorsport, oldtimer, oldtimer autos, Oldtimer-Rallye, rallye, Rallye der Sympathie, Schenna, Südtirol Classic Schenna, 0Die “Südtirol Classic Schenna” gilt als eine der beliebtesten Oldtimer-Rallyes im Alpenraum. Seit 34 Jahren ist der Ort Schenna...
20130830 Schiphol Roodharigen-vlucht uit Schotland
Stefaan, , Media, 020130830 Schiphol – Tientallen roodharige Schotten arriveerde op Schiphol om door te reizen naar de ‘Roodharigendag’ te Breda. source
Roodharigen uit de hele wereld vierden in Breda Redhead Days
Stefaan, , Media, breda, FOTO, redhead days, roodharigen, 0Duizenden roodharigen uit 18 landen bevolkten vandaag Breda tijdens Redhead Days. En opnieuw lukte het om een recordaantal roodharigen...
Ginger Things: when you see another redhead
Stefaan, , Media, ginger, instagrammer, redhead, 0 source
Guinness World Record: 1 September 2013, Largest Gathering of People (1672) with Natural Red Hair
Stefaan, , Media, Breda (City/Town/Village), Festival (Quotation Subject), Guinness World Records (Award Category), hair, Holland (City/Town/Village), natural, red, red hair, Redhead Day (Music Festival), roodharigen, the netherlands, 0This is a film of all the participants of the New Guinness World Record: Largest Gathering of People (1672)...
National Redhead Day!
Stefaan, , Media, 0#national #redhead Post a pic of your favorite Ginger today! source