So you want a private OpenStack cloud? Think you can just grab your OpenStack distro of choice and get going? Well think again – nothing good comes that easy. It’s not just about downloading some files and installing. There’s a whole world of knowledge involved with doing this right, including how to configure, how to install, and most importantly how to maintain an administer your cloud. This is also one of the areas where the OpenStack ecosystem has moved way beyond what the vanilla OpenStack
The Great Distro Bakeoff – Our Journey in Setting Up an OpenStac
Uniting redheads since 2010
Fotofestival BredaPhoto van start
Stefaan, , Media, Brabant, bredaphoto, fotofestival, fotografie, omroep brabant,, 0
De binnenstad van Breda staat de komende weken in het teken van BredaPhoto. Tijdens het fotofestival zijn er werken...
November 5th is National Redhead Day. On This Day.
Stefaan, , Media, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, Deutsche Welle, Documentary (TV Genre), dutch, DW Euromaxx, Euromaxx, festival, Geoffrey Taylor, ginger, hair, hair color, hair colour, Into the red, netherlands, red hair, red hair color, red hair colour, red head, red hot, redhead, Redhead Day (Recurring Event), redhead days, redhead days 2021, redhead days netherlands, redhead days tilburg, roodharigen, Short, Short Film (Film Genre), tilburg netherlands, 0
November 5th is National Redhead Day, a chance for all redheads to shine with beautiful hair. Redheads are often...
The beauty of the Redhead Italian Women crowdfunding
Stefaan, , Media, Beauty, capelli rossi, crowdfunding, italia, italy, redhead, 0
The idea it’s to explore every Italian region finding redhead women to shoot them in our extraordinary environment, surrounded...
Support Redhead Days 2016
Stefaan, , Media, #rhd2016, bonding, breda, crowdfunding, donate, donation, fun, Fundrazr, ginger, multicoloured, perks, pride, recognition, red, redhead, redhead days, roodharigendag, the netherlands, 0
This is the kick-starter for our crowdfunding campaign. Our goal is to reach € 20.000,- in 30 days! Please...
Did you love or hate your red hair growing up?
Stefaan, , Media, Confidence, red hair, redhead, 0
On the last stop of the 5 city Rock it like a Redhead Beauty Tour in New York City,...
‘How To Be A Redhead’ With Adrienne And Stephanie Vendetti
Stefaan, , Media, 0
The two sisters and authors, Adrienne and Stephanie Vendetti, are in town for the Redhead Days Festival. Read their...
Rothaarige: Mythen und Fakten um die seltenste Haarfarbe der Welt
Stefaan, , Media, Aussehen, Beauty, Besonderheiten, Eigenschaften, england, Forschung, fotografie, Gen, Genetik, ginger, gingerheads, Haare, Haut, Hexe, Irish Redhead Convention, Irland, Jacky Colliss Harvey, Kunst, Mittelalter, NZZ Format, PLAY_NZZ, red head, rot, rothaarig, Schönheit, sommersprossen, Thomas Knights, Toleranz, vitamin d, 0
Um rothaarige Menschen ranken sich seit jeher Mythen. Die feurige Haarfarbe ist eine genetische Besonderheit und daher sehr selten....
Warum sind rote Haare selten? | ARTE
Stefaan, , Media, ARTE, ARTE Family, ARTE für Kinder, ARTE Journal Junior, ARTE Junior, ARTE Replay, ARTE Reportage, Beschwerden, braun, Deutschland, dunkel, Eure Fragen, Europa, Familie, Frage Antwort, Fragen, Frankreich, gelb, haar, Haare, Haut, Jugend, Junior Journal, Katze, Kind, Kinder, Kinderfragen, Kindersendung, männlich, Melanin, Mutter, Organ, Pigment, rot, Sendung, Vater, weiblich, 0
In Südamerika, Afrika, aber auch Spanien oder Portugal, ist es selten eine Person mit roten Haaren zu treffen. Das...