Het wereldrecord met de meeste roodharigen op één plek is zondagmiddag verbroken in Breda. Dat liet de organisatie van de Roodharigen Dag weten. Een notaris keurde de poging goed.
Recordpoging roodharigendag Breda
Uniting redheads since 2010
Redhead Days 2014 [ AWASH at the Kick-Off Party @ Mezz ]
Stefaan, , Media, @mezz, awash, band, breda, Music, netherlands, red haid, redhead days 2014, Rood haar, rote Haare, rousses, tvdmmedia, 0De band AWASH tijdens de Kick-Off Party van de Redhead Days 2014 in @ Mezz Breda source
1255 Roodharigen, Nieuw Guinness book record, 2012
Stefaan, , Media, convoi exceptional, guinness book of records, redhead days, roodharigendag, 0Redhead Days 2012 Guiness Book of Records attempt. We broke the standing record of “Most people with antural red...
Thousands of ‘gingers’ from 80 countries converged on Breda, Netherlands for the annual Redhead Days
Stefaan, , Media, 877fdf55451fdd569d6167916cac2a7a, AP Archive, apus016999, Lifestyle, netherlands_redheads, tom snyder, 0(10 Sep 2014) FOR CLEAN VERSION SEE STORY NUMBER: 2021757 VOICE-OVER: GINGERS UNITE! THOUSANDS OF RED-HEADS – OF ALL...
Redhead Days 2016 Big Photo Shoot
Stefaan, , Media, #rhd2016, big event, breda, days, evenement, Event, Fashion (industry), friends, ginger, ginger friends, gingerhair, gingerpride, Group Photo, groupsfoto, haar, Holland, Multi Coloured, photo shoot, Photography, red, red hair, redhair, redhair don't care, redhead, redhead day, redhead days, rood, rood haarig, roodhaar, roodhaarigen dag, ruivos, 0Montage of the big photo shoot at the Redhead Days 2016, Breda, the Netherlands. Experiance how it is to...
Celebrate ‘Kiss a Ginger Day!
Stefaan, , Media, 'ginger' smooch!, 2018, bright eyes, Derek Forgie, Digital Spoke, fiery hair, Gingers, January 12, National Kiss a Ginger Day!, pale skin, r favorite redhead, redheads, stunning people, ullying, unofficial holiday, world, 0“Their fiery hair, pale skin, and bright eyes make redheads some of the most stunning people in the world....
My curly hair routine and what products I use! V 1
Stefaan, , Media, Beauty, curly hair, curly hair products, hair, Hair Products, hair style, hair styling, hair tutorial, how do i fix my hair, products, red curly hair, style, tutorial, 0Hi Guys! Hope you enjoy my video. As promised this is the link to my haircut video: https://youtu.be/4TKKXHhHbR4 Hope...
Irish Redhead Convention 2014
Stefaan, , Media, #FoxyFest, 2014, cork, Crosshaven, Freckles, ginger, Ireland, Irish Cancer Society, Irish Cancer Society (Organization), Irish Redhead Convention, Irish Tourism, Joleen Cronin, red head, Red Head Convention, redhead convention, Tourist Destination, 0The 5th Irish Redhead Convention took place in Crosshaven, Co. Cork, Ireland from August 23-25, 2014. This weird, whacky...
Ep 7: Redhead Men and Redheads ‘By Choice’
Stefaan, , Media, 0On this week’s episode of the How to be a Redhead podcast, we’re talking all about redhead men and...