Redhead World ( ) is sponsoring and working with the 2010 Dublin Irish Festival to create the “World’s Largest Gathering of Redheads” in North America on August 8, 2010.

The Dublin Irish Festival is the second biggest Irish festival in the world with over 100,000 admissions last year in its 27 acre park. Approximately 2,600 redheads are already estimated to be attending that day, in addition to the hundreds of Redhead World members and soon-to-be members.

A redhead group photo shoot will be done, as well as Irish contests including a reddest hair contest. A redhead documentarian is also planning to attend to shoot video of the event.

Dublin, Ohio, United States is in central Ohio, near Columbus, and is within a day’s drive (400 miles / 640 km) of 50% of the U.S. population and 30% of the Canadian population. It’s a perfect central location for a North American redhead gathering and Redhead World members as far as Oklahoma and California are already planning to attend.

Join Redhead World to meet redheads now, and make friends before the festival. Keep up on the latest redhead news and festival information:

We need you to spread the word, vote up this video, and if you can spare some cash, sponsor Redhead World. This redhead gathering is costing a lot to pull off, so we appreciate your sponsorship:



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